Tag Archives: courage

7 Stages of Trump Recovery

Some worshippers called Donald Trump the Savior of America and of civilization itself.[1] They believed Trump could save the nation from the Establishment[2] and statism[3] which it promotes.

7 Stages of Trump Recovery

Instead, Trump has only sacrificed them on the cross of his own ego.

Trump was never – and never could have been – their or our Savior. Trump has always been a part of the Establishment his followers detest. His entire life is one of self-interest and self-aggrandizement fueled by an unrelenting narcissism.

Yet many who believed in him did so because of, not in spite of, his delusions of grandeur. They were looking for a strong man to save the Republic and, instead, nominated a bully[4] and would-be tyrant.[5]

From the beginning, Trump was destined to lose.[6] A liberal posing as a conservative and running as a Republican could never win against a liberal (or even a socialist) running as a Democrat.[7]

Despite Trump’s daily lies and reversals of policy positions,[8] his support surged among the faithful. Even when it was obvious that Trump was mentally unhinged,[9] his followers persisted. Even though Trump’s core “principles” became “flexible” and “negotiable,”[10] they insisted that Trump would do what they want him to do.

When Trump loses – and he will lose – Trump worshippers will have to reconcile themselves to reality. Some won’t. Some are as obstinate and bullying as Trump. Narcissists don’t know how to repent or how to admit error.

For those who are capable of facing reality and being held accountable, this handy outline was designed just for you:

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#NeverTrump has proven itself faithful to the core principles upon which America was founded, the very principles espoused and defended by Ted Cruz.[11]

In contrast, #ForeverTrump forever owes a debt to America.

In the end, we will all have to live with the end of the American Experiment.[12]


[1]               See “Meet Ann Coulter’s Savior” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-bM.

[2]               See “CPAC: Brits Seek Independence (and so should we)” at http://wp.me/p4scHf-eT.

[3]               See “CPAC: Death by a 1,000 Pens” at http://wp.me/p4scHf-eV.

[4]               See “Bully Boy Trump” at http://wp.me/p4scHf-df.

[5]               See “Why Brad Thor is #NeverTrump! Litmus test is liberty!” at http://wp.me/p4scHf-fb.

[6]               See “Only Trump Can Lose!” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-dA.

[7]               See “Coulter’s Latest RINO Would Give Democrats Victory” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-8t.

[8]               See “Coulter Admits Trump is a Fraud” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-cf.

[9]               See “Coulter Goes Mental Over Her ‘Mental’ Candidate” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-d8.

[10]             See “Coulter Logic (she wants candidate who won’t pursue her agenda)” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-dQ.

[11]             See “BrotherWatch Endorses Ted Cruz” at http://wp.me/p4scHf-dw.

[12]             See “The End of the American Experiment?” at http://wp.me/p4scHf-eZ.

Cruz and Fiorina Are Dream Ticket

Wow! I’ve been a Ted Cruz fan from the beginning and have always thought that Carly Fiorina would be a perfect choice for vice president. (Sometimes dreams do come true.) … Now, on to the White House!

Cruz & Fiorina

At CPAC 2015, I had the pleasure of hearing Ted speak live[1] and I was honored to meet Carly.

BrotherWatch has already endorsed Cruz[2] and we now celebrate his choice of running mate.

Fiorina has a proven track record of pursuing a conservative agenda, defending the life of the unborn, opposing political correctness, and promoting the expansion of liberty.

Throughout this election cycle, Fiorina has targeted the flaws and failures of the Obama/Clinton agenda (foreign and domestic) and she has excelled at articulating conservative and Christian views.

Moreover, if Ann Coulter hates her,[3] then Carly Fiorina must be the perfect choice for vice president.


[1]               See “CPAC: Ted Cruz in Control” at http://wp.me/p4scHf-8b.

[2]               See “BrotherWatch Endorses Ted Cruz” at http://wp.me/p4scHf-dw.

[3]               See “Ann Coulter Hates Carly Fiorina” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-9z.

Bully Boy Trump!

The bully, Donald Trump, proved himself just a bloviating boy. In the end, bullies usually do.

David French related two key moments in the Houston debate.

Bull Boy Trump

First, The Donald insisted that Rubio “Be quiet. Just be quiet.” Why? Trump fears the truth, especially about himself.

As French put it, “An alpha male commands respect; a bully tries to rule by fear. But when no one is actually afraid, the bully looks foolish. When the bully demands silence but instead receives a sarcastic retort, he reveals that that his ‘strength’ was a mirage.”

George Will puts it this way: “Like all bullies, Trump is a coward, and like all those who feel the need to boast about being strong and tough, he is neither.”

Second, The Donald insisted that Cruz apologize. Why? Trump wants the truth, especially about himself, to go away. Trump wants to suppress the truth! Intimidation is his primary tactic to achieve that end.

French noted, “Once again, the bully made his demand, this time for an apology. Cruz refused to comply, and went on to make exactly the right point: that Trump would be the Democrats’ best ‘Republican’ friend.”

Rubio correctly characterized Trump as a “con artist,” a truth many have heralded since before Trump launched his presidential campaign. Cruz astutely noted that Trump cares nothing for the Constitution and would be a Barack Obama in whiteface.

As I and others have pointed out before, Trump is a braggart and a bully who holds neither conservative principles nor a Christian ethos. Jonah Goldberg argues, “His cheap macho posturing and boasting is simply tacky.”

Trump is, as Andrew McCarthy describes, “a fraud – a liberal Democrat posing as the Republican savior.” Transfixed by Trump, some people still “blindly worship” him as their “Savior”!

McCarthy outlines, on issue after issue, the fraudulent nature of Trump’s politics, persona, and character.

It is important to stress Trump’s own purported self-image, concocted for the moment, to garner votes. After the Houston debate, he claimed, “I’m a strong Christian.” On another occasion, he claimed, “nobody reads the Bible more than me.” Goldberg noted, “Either Donald Trump believes what he said, or he doesn’t. If he does believe this, he’s sufficiently delusional to disqualify himself for public office. If he doesn’t believe this, he thinks his conservative Christian supporters are morons.”

Trump also alleges, “I’m very conservative,” adding, “I’m the most conservative person in the world” on a host of issues. Even New York Magazine called him out on that one.

But Trump is following in the footsteps of his consigliere, Ann Coulter, who regards herself as both an exemplary conservative and extraordinary Christian. Coulter boasts, “I’m like the conservative ayatollah” and “I’m an extraordinarily good Christian.”

As an example of her good judgment and proof of her conservative and Christian credentials, Coulter said that she would actually marry Trump if he were available. Maybe they should (after his fourth divorce). They are made for each other.

Burning Down Your Own House

David French’s headline is prescient: “‘Burn It All Down’ Is Not the Answer, Trump Fans.”

Have Americans lost the American spirit? Have Christians forsaken their faith? Have Conservatives abandoned their principles?

Burning Down Own House

In his column, French pointed out the obvious – at least obvious to those whose reason has not been replaced by irrational anger: It is far easier to destroy than to build. America’s Founders built America. The American experience is one of building and creating, not burning and destroying.

A strikingly high percentage of even evangelical voters are siding with Trump, not because they approve of his policies or his character, but out of pique at both political parties.

But is destroying the GOP without a replacement truly Christian, Conservative, or American?

French observes (emphasis added):

“As the evidence mounts that Trump isn’t exactly channeling justifiable conservative (or even populist) anger for constructive ends, Trump’s fans have found themselves reduced to a single argument in his defense: Even if he’s wrong on substance and they reject his personal values, at least he’ll ‘burn it all down.’ He’ll wreck the broken system and destroy a failed party.

But French does the unthinkable! He actually resorts to history, logic, and principles!

French responds to this destructive ethos pervading American culture and politics, writing, “Yet it’s hard to think of an answer more antithetical to the spirit of the American Revolution and our Constitution than ‘burn it all down.’” French notes that the American colonists, Founding Fathers, and Framers of the Constitution faced “a crisis far graver than the crises we face today,” and, instead of pursuing destructive goals, built a great nation.

French warns, “The torch and pitchfork, meanwhile, are instruments of the French revolutionary, of the nihilist who lives only to take revenge on his enemies, with a will to power but no interest in justice.” He adds, “’burn, baby, burn’ is the language of the Left.”

Plato referred to this as “canvas cleansing” with the idea being to destroy everything and then create a utopia from scratch. (It never works. Ask the victims of any socialist regime in history.)

The vapidity of Trump supporters who seek to bring down the Republican Old Guard is countered by French with lucidity (emphasis added):

“Replace men who surrender to Planned Parenthood with a man who embraces Planned Parenthood? Replace men who supported a path to legalization with a man who supports amnesty? Replace men who failed to stop Obamacare with a man who embraces single-payer health care? Nominate a man who believes in Iraq War conspiracy theories to confront the party that spawned those theories? Meet the new boss. He’ll be the same as the old.”

French cautions (emphasis added), “An American revolution isn’t a temper tantrum. It’s hard work. It’s anger channeled into virtue. Trump represents anger stripped of virtue. He will burn the GOP, but what will he build in its place?

Trump’s ascent – in a nation which opposes his New York values and desires people of character and integrity – is shocking!

We must eschew the “torch and pitchfork” and, instead, have faith in our principles and our God, championing people of character and integrity who love God, love our Country, and love the Constitution!

Trump’s Path to Defeat

Ted Cruz[1] trounced Donald “I Am A Winner” Trump in Iowa last night. Even Marco Rubio almost routed Trump. The Donald’s inevitability and invincibility proved to be ephemeral narratives. (Donald and Hillary are oh so similar!)[2]


It is easy to see Trump’s path to defeat: Iowa – loss to Cruz (and, almost, Rubio); New Hampshire – loss to Rubio (or, perhaps, Cruz); South Carolina – loss to Cruz.(or, perhaps, Rubio); Nevada – loss to Cruz (or, perhaps, Rubio).

What kind of bounces will Cruz and Rubio get from their yuuge victories over Trump in Iowa? (Rubio had a massive expectations victory over the vainglorious Trump.)

How will Trump’s ego-bursting defeat in Iowa change his campaign and message? He will necessarily attack Rubio to court the moderate vote in New Hampshire. (But Cruz still poses a distinct threat to his ascendancy to the throne, er, presidency. A strong showing by Cruz in the “Live Free or Die” State will strike fear in Trump’s heart.)

Trump’s unfamiliarity with Christian beliefs and practices will augur ill in South Carolina.

Even Nevada can become problematic for the “I Am A Winner” candidate if his inevitable victories turn into disastrous defeats.

Will Trump still try to bully his way into the Oval Office?[3] (Can a leopard change its spots?)

We can expect Trump to push the bogus birther hoax[4] whenever he feels threatened by Cruz.

Will Trump supplement his own “hope and change[5] message with specific policy positions? Can he, at this late stage, prove his conservative credentials?[6] Appealing to patriotism is not enough.[7] An understanding of America’s history, our Constitution, our Christian heritage,[8] and the world around us is essential. These Trump lacks.

Trump is only the latest billionaire trying to buy himself into the White House, but the American people are far too smart for him.


[1]               See “CPAC: Ted Cruz in Control” at http://wp.me/p4scHf-8b.

[2]               See “HRC: A Caricature of the Left” at http://wp.me/p4scHf-94.

[3]               See “How to Talk to a Bully (if you must)” at http://wp.me/p4scHf-cY.

[4]               See “Birther Coulter Births More Lies” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-bI.

[5]               See “’Hope & Change,’ and Other Orwellian Clichés” at http://t.co/v6fgItffhm.

[6]               See “Coulter’s Latest RINO Would Give Democrats Victory” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-8t.

[7]               See “Reclaiming America!” at http://wp.me/p4scHf-9V.

[8]               See “CPAC: America’s Christian Heritage Denied” at http://wp.me/p4scHf-8E.

How to Talk to a Bully (if you must)

The Donald (Trump, that is) is at it again. This time he plays the victim of a Vast Right-Wing Establishment Conspiracy. (What other traits does he share with Hillary?[1])


Someone should tell Trump that exhibiting a persecution complex[2] is not particularly appealing for a presidential candidate.

Piqued at sarcasm and hyperbole from Fox News, which so humorously lampooned Trump’s self-evident habit of demonizing his foes (always in a yuuuge way!), Trump revealed just how thin-skinned he really is.

Even his staunchest ally, Ann Coulter, has proven that she is little more than a humorless ideologue. Coulter’s forte is her lightning-quick wit, which balances Trump’s more thundering and blunt-force-trauma brand of humor.

But Coulter, who has perfected the Orwellian technique[3] of carpet-bombing “enemies of the moment,” often with hyperbole and sarcasm, now seems oblivious to the very types of rhetoric which she employs so effortlessly.

Fox News Press Release

What prompted such fear and loathing from Trump and his surrogates?

Fox News issued this press release:

“We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president – a nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings.”

What was Coulter’s response to “the press release an allegedly professional news organization?”

“So when Fox issued a smart-ass press release yesterday, Trump walked. He decided to do a charity event for veterans instead – which will have a lot more viewers than any debate sans Trump.”[4]

Chiding Fox for “such a sophomoric attack” in its “trivial and self-important press release,” the queen of snippy soundbites decries its “snippy press release.”

Speaking on MSNBC, Coulter complained about this “shocking” press release, claiming, “monopolies can get arrogant and there does seem to be a little bit of arrogance here.[5]

Talking to a Bully

Speaking of arrogance (which Coulter and Trump have in spades!), when did narcissism become a virtue? Or brash pomposity? Why do we listen to nattering narcissists and blustering blowhards?[6]

Humility is a trait neither Trump nor Coulter possess. Both refuse to “back down” under any circumstances. Both have proudly claimed they have no need of repentance. Both demonize their foes. And both claim to be victims in the aftermath of their own self-generated controversies.

Coulter has claimed to blindly worship her Savior, Donald Trump,[7] and continually extols his courage, love of country, and sense of humor. But Fox’s humor-laden press release is not funny? Perhaps it hit too close to the mark!

Fox News was spot on! If Trump can’t debate conservatives in a conservative-friendly foreign, how can he stand up to tyrants and terrorists at home and abroad? Trump can dish it out but he can’t take it.

The “allegedly professional news organization,” as Coulter put it, said nothing more controversial than Trump has been saying since he announced his candidacy. Trump’s words (like Coulter’s) are designed to provoke. They are provocative for provocation’s sake (and to generate publicity).

Still, Coulter constantly defends herself and Trump, claiming their most outrageous remarks are “just jokes.” For Coulter and Trump, calling people “bimbos” is standard fare.[8]

Mockery is the best way to talk to a bully![9]

Trump – Phony Candidate!

Neither Coulter nor Trump are above lying to achieve their goals: the bogus birther charge is exhibit one.[10]

Trump and Coulter believe that sheer will to powerdevoid of conservative principles – will lead to their victory and America’s salvation. Hubris saves[11] (in their minds)! But America can ill afford yet another big government, crony capitalist RINO.[12]

Coulter credits herself with giving Trump his message[13] and views herself as the Harriet Beecher Stowe to Trump’s Lincoln.[14] But Trump is no Lincoln (or Reagan) and Coulter is no Stowe.

Trump has proven his aversion to Christian character, conduct, and creed. His authoritarian nature, pronouncements, and promises seem devoid of deference to the Constitution that he would have to swear to uphold. (Isn’t one Obama enough?)

Trump’s flawed financial background (how many bankruptcies?) and New York (liberal social and fiscal) Values should give pause to any conservative contemplating a Trump presidency. He is a political opportunist adept at self-promotion.

At best, Trump’s Christian, conservative, and constitutionalist credentials are sparse. Very sparse indeed.

Trump has nothing in common with the Great Emancipator or the Great Communicator.[15] There is no there, there. Accomplished hucksters need not apply!

Update: After his ignominious defeat in Iowa, a chagrined Trump blamed the Iowa voters for his abysmal performance.


[1]               See “HRC: A Caricature of the Left” at http://wp.me/p4scHf-94.

[2]               See Chapter 6: “I Am Victim, Hear Me Whine,” The Beauty of Conservatism, 2011, available as a free download at www.coulterwatch.com/beauty.pdf.

[3]               See Propaganda: Orwell in the Age of Ann Coulter, 2014, available as a free download at www.coulterwatch.com/propaganda.pdf.

[4]               Ann Coulter, “Trump Is Wise to Walk Out on ‘Trivial,’ ‘Self-Important’ Fox News,” Hollywood Reporter, 1/28/16.

[5]               Ann Coulter, Hardball, MSNBC, 1/27/16.

[6]               See Vanity: Ann Coulter’s Quest for Glory, 2012, available as a free download at www.coulterwatch.com/vanity.pdf.

[7]               See “Meet Ann Coulter’s Savior” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-bM.

[8]               See “Ann Coulter, Bimbo” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-bS.

[9]               See “Islamists Fear Cartoons” at http://wp.me/p4scHf-9Z.

[10]             See “Birther Coulter Births More Lies” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-bI.

[11]             See Vanity: Ann Coulter’s Quest for Glory, 2012, available as a free download at www.coulterwatch.com/vanity.pdf.

[12]             See “Coulter’s Latest RINO Would Give Democrats Victory” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-8t.

[13]             See “Coulter Trumped Up” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-7Q.

[14]             See “Coulter’s Know-Nothing American Party” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-bP.

[15]             See “Remembering Reagan” at http://t.co/GYAescwhYa.

Compromise is Defeat

Americans are almost literally up in arms over the radical transformation of America into something she was never intended to be – and the GOP compromises with those spearheading that transformation!

The GOP leadership rails against Obama’s appeasement of terrorists, tyrants, and criminals, yet that very same leadership capitulate to the Left and the media (redundancy alert).


At the very moment of victory in 2014, Senate Majority Leadership Mitch McConnell conceded defeat. McConnell pledged to forego any government shutdowns. That’s right: Conservatives won, so McConnell started throwing down our weapons.

The Iranian Nuclear Arms Treaty (in everything but name) should never have passed. The Senate should have insisted that this treaty go through the normal treaty process. Instead, succumbing to political expediency, RINOs in the Senate shirked their constitutional duties and enabled the worst deal in American history to give our enemies the upper hand.

Planned Parenthood should have been defunded. The American people were utterly disgusted (by vast majorities) with the barbaric atrocities taking place in Planned Parenthood facilities across the nation. Investigative videos are still be released to the public and are all available online. Boehner and McConnell failed to seize the moment – this unique moment in history – to cripple the industry which epitomizes the Holocaust of our times in our nation.

The recent two-year budget deal also conceded defeat to Obama and his left-wing agenda. Utter capitulation.

The Spirit is willing, but the Senate is weak. Far too many Republicans are willing to go along to get along.

Moreover, those self-same representatives of the People actively oppose those who are actually doing the work of the People. The Quislings in our midst treat the patriots – who are defending the Constitution and who are in alignment with the will of the People – as if they were the enemy.

Like Patrick Henry, Ted Cruz is unwelcome by those who have aligned themselves with the status quo. The Resistance is always hated by the Establishment.

Mitt Romney, the Republican standard-bearer in 2012, recently lamented the very existence of conservative talk radio and right-wing blogs because they make it harder to forge friendships with our adversaries to get things done in Washington.

Romney and his cohorts believe that “getting things done” means enacting laws and growing the government. Stopping bad laws is at least as important as enacting good laws. (Don’t we already have enough laws?)

Our Founding Fathers would be horrified to see the lack of vision and grit within the ranks of the so-called conservative leadership. Ronald Reagan had both vision and grit.

Reagan spoke in bold terms, clearly distinguishing himself from his opponents. He forthrightly stated that government was the problem. He clearly expressed his love of America and her people, extolled American exceptionalism, and championed what America could accomplish.

Reagan denounced and defeated the Evil Empire when none thought that possible. Reagan reignited the free market and restored the American military, often in opposition to those on his own team. He did so with a deep grasp of our nation’s history, Constitution, People, and destiny.

Moreover, Reagan routinely made his case to the People. He connected with them in a powerful and personal way. He made his ideas (which were distinctly American in nature) easy to understand and support. His courage and optimism won the day and it was Morning in America once again.

Not so with today’s GOP leadership. Few of our elected leaders have either the vision or the courage to do what the American people elected them to do (or what Reagan would choose to do). What would Ronald Reagan do?

Stand Up and Fight!

Noah Galloway: What it Means to be Whole

Noah Galloway, a double-amputee Iraq War combat veteran, challenges himself running marathons, motivating others, and, now, dancing for Dancing with the Stars. His resiliency and determination are an inspiration for those who witness his character, his courage, and his compassion.

With humor and humility, Noah has won the hearts of many across the country. Noah’s story and his example model for each of us how to examine ourselves, change the image that we see in the mirror, and pursue our passions.


(Following is a week-by-week revelation as Noah’s story of courage, compassion, and conviction unfolded.)

Week 1 – Cha-cha-cha

Week One introduced us to a gung ho warrior fighting for his country, who, in an instant, was sidelined by tragedy during his second tour, when he “lost his left arm above the elbow and left leg above the knee in an Improvised Explosive Device attack.”

During his introductory video package, Noah explained that for years he was in denial about his condition. As he put it,

“I had this mentality that this isn’t a big deal. I can make this happen. I can make it on my own. Everyone kept telling me I was going to go through some stages of depression whether I realized it or not. I was like, not me. I portrayed myself as this invincible person to everyone I knew.”

Noah kept his pain and suffering hidden, even form himself.

“I drank and I would just sit at home. Or I would go out drinking all the time. I was partying like nothing was wrong. But then there were those moments that I would just sit at home and drink, by myself. Stay up all night.”

But then Noah had an epiphany. He realized, “I still had two limbs. I could do something with that. I thought about my kids and how I wasn’t being a good father.”

Noah’s story of self-identity stretches us in grasping what it means to be human and to be whole. After his debut dance, a tearful Carrie Ann Inaba said, “It was profound and you’re broadening my scope of what dance looks like.”

Week 2 – Samba

In Week Two, Len Goodman told Noah, “You’re an ordinary guy but you do extraordinary things.”

To the surprise of Noah and the viewers, Noah was reunited with his girlfriend, Jamie Boyd, who is now an Army Reserve specialist. Noah had just completed his dance which he had dedicated to his girlfriend: “It was a huge surprise – probably the best surprise I’ve ever had.”

Week 3 – Argentine Tango

Week Three saw Noah reject a new prosthetic arm (learning to dance and learning to use the arm at the same time was too much), finding that he could perform beautifully without it.

Len Goodman told Noah, “You’re my hero.”

Week 4 – Contemporary

Week Four was transformational and inspirational. Noah revealed a turning point in his life and his contemporary dance brought his story to life.

In the opening video package, Noah revealed that his injuries had led to a deep depression which overwhelmed him:

“It really depressed me. I portrayed this image to everyone around me that I wasn’t affected by it. I buried it all. I got to where I would just sit home by myself and drink and try to cope with it by myself. It was the biggest mistake I ever made.”

But then Noah came to his senses:

“I really looked in the mirror and quit looking at what I was missing and paid more attention to what I still had left. I realized I had to make a change.”

“Once I accepted my injury, got back in the gym, started living a healthier life, everything picked up.”

“It’s like I had to be injured, I had to go through that dark time, to get to where I am today.”

Noah’s dance began with special effects showing a shirtless Noah with four limbs, then the reality was revealed in a mirror, a man seemingly less than whole. But then – the dance!

This poetic and magical dance of transformation began with his seeming limitations but concluded with the fulfillment of his aspirations. As Noah explained, “This dance represents the journey of acceptance from the man I was to the man I’ve become.”

An enraptured Bruno Tonioli: “You’re experiences are unimaginable, but your spirit soars unbroken. You really are the ultimate role model. You want a superhero – there it is.”

It was as if Noah had experienced a new birth.

Week 5 – Foxtrot

During Week Five, Sharna Burgess reminded Noah, “What is it that we said in the beginning? We’re not gonna focus on what we can’t do, but what we can!” Something we should all remember.

Week 6 – Rumba and Freestyle

Noah’s protective nature was self-evident in Week Six. The pre-dance video package upset Noah: “I hated that the package made [Sharna] look bad.”

As Noah explained on Fox News: “The argument was my fault, but that wasn’t portrayed in the package the way it was edited … and … I’m not used to that and [I’m] … not the type of person that someone I care about is going to look bad when it was my fault. … I’m protective of my friends. I’ve always been that way.”

Week 7 – Jazz and Cha-cha-cha

Len Goodman again praised Noah, “You may have half the limbs of most guys, but I tell you, you’re twice the man.”

Week 8 – Tango and Salsa

“The white valiant knight,” Bruno Tonioli erupted, “he takes on any challenge, goes for it and does his best.”

Speaking for the audience, Carrie Ann Inaba praised Noah, saying, “So, two girls, one arm – probably impossible for most people. But not for you, Mr. Noah – It’s Mr. I’m Possible.”

Dance Center returned to Dancing With the Stars and provided its humorous take on the remaining contestants. A graphic highlighted Noah’s strengths and weaknesses in a comic but accurate way, encapsulating, “More of a man than you are.”


Week 9 – Viennese Waltz and Paso Doble

Let’s begin Week Nine with the highlight of the night. Following Noah’s first dance of the night, Jamie Boyd told Noah, “You’re just a beautiful dancer and you just have a beautiful heart and you put it out there every single week.” Then, making DWTS history, Noah stunned his girlfriend and the audience by getting down on one knee and proposing to Jamie, who immediately accepted.

This was certainly Noah’s night. Julianne Hough echoed Carrie Ann’s thoughts from the first week, saying, “Noah has completely redefined dance. Not just for me, but, I think, for everyone.”

In the pre-dance video package, Noah confessed, “To wake up one day and to have two of my limbs gone – it broke me. There were several times I thought I would much rather have died than to wake up like this.”

But now, Noah boldly faces every challenge presented to him. As Bruno Tonioli observed, “Every dance that is done is a victory against the challenges that he has been given.”

Even James T. Kirk, er, William Shatner said, “Noah teaches us to take what life has offered and not only to deal with it but to make it a plus.”

Week 10 – Argentine Tango, Freestyle

As Noah said in his video package during the finals, “I have fought too hard to give up.” Recognizing the true champion within Noah, Carrie Ann Inaba exclaimed, “I know that there’s this incredible survivor’s spirit inside of you, that champion in there.”

Regarding Noah’s freestyle dance, Julianne Hough observed, “For me, the choreography, the intricacy, the connection between you and Sharna [and] the other dancers, I’ve never seen something so whole.”

Wholeness and completeness are themes returned to again and again during this DWTS season.

Bruno Tonioli similarly was stunned by the depth and essence of Noah’s freestyle: “It had an incredible poetic quality, so truthful, so meaningful.”

Anyone who questioned Noah’s wholeness or his manhood prior to DWTS has surely been awakened ti reality, for, in reality, as human beings we are all too often prone to falling for outward illusions while missing the inner reality.

Some might think that due to what he lacks, Noah might be less than human. But, instead of less, he is more. Digging down deep and – whether or not he knows it – by the grace of God, Noah has achieved what few could imagine. And Noah has done so with integrity.

Lest we forget, integrity means “the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished.”

In keeping with her views from the first week, Carrie Ann Inaba waxed eloquent: “There is nothing to fix about you. You have shown us over and over again what art is. Dance is a part of art and it’s meant to inspire us and transform us and make us contemplate things bigger than ourselves – and that is what you do every time.”

Lessons From a Life Lived Courageously

This column is being posted prior to the results of the finals. Regardless of the outcome of this particular competition, Noah Galloway is a winner in life. He has proven himself a champion – to himself and to the world. Noah has nothing else to prove.

Noah’s story is one of not just survival but victory. He proves that, given a chance – or taking a chance – the human spirit can rise above seemingly impossible challenges and not only survive, but thrive.

Among the manifold lessons we can take from Noah’s story and his experiences on DWTS are these:

Don’t be defined by others. Don’t let other people place limitations on who you are or what you can accomplish.

Adapt. Life happens. Whatever happens, we can adapt to our changing circumstances in order to survive and thrive.

Aim high. Don’t settle for less or limit yourself. Rather, challenge yourself. You just might surprise yourself.

Have a support system. Noah acknowledged the reason for his success: “that’s because of all the support that so many people who have never met me have shown.”

Have a sense of purpose. Noah changed his life for his children. He had someone to be better for – his family and, now, his fiancé.

Noah is now a “personal trainer and motivational speaker” whose motto – “No Excuses” – graces the name of a charitable foundation.

CPAC: Living Without Fear

For me, the best and most important five minutes by a CPAC speaker was not from one of the many outstanding presidential candidates or other nationally-prominent conservatives, but rather took place at an obscure breakout session heard by perhaps two dozen people.

During the panel, “The Politics of Cool: How Important Ideas Get Trivialized,” Ian Walters, CPAC Communications Director, exhorted his listeners to live without fear.


Framed in the context of political correctness, campus speech codes, and unparalleled media bias, Ian spoke about the perils of speaking the truth in today’s culture and of how fear of ridicule can deter even the most intrepid truth-teller.

But Ian’s professionalism as a musician gave him deep insights into his political expression and led to his quest for freedom from fear.

Ian revealed, “I aspire to live a life without fear.”

As a focused and passionate musician, Ian understands that genuineness is essential to a good performance. Performing from the heart, and being true to oneself, leads to both excellence in achievement and liberty of one’s soul.

So, too, in politics (and religion).

We are all plagued to some degree with self-doubts, insecurities, and fears. But, as Ian pointed out, we need not be.

Ian’s solution is simple, though not necessarily easy. To be successful, we need to be honest, to have integrity, and to be people of character.

As many genuine leaders observe, being an honorable person draws other people to who you are and what you say.

Ian urges us to open our hearts, to be honest, and to be people of character. In so doing, we can live without fear. And, in the process, we can impact the lives of other people, change the political climate, and even transform the terms of the debate.

As Ian put it, “The trick is to open your heart and show liberals that you don’t have horns and a tail.”

As Solomon expressed it, “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver” (Prov. 25:11). When we express our principles and values from our hearts, and do so in a right manner, we can win people to the truth.

Far too many conservatives (and Christians) fear to say what they believe. They moderate, compromise, or self-censor their views even before they start to express them. Self-censorship is inevitably followed by actual censorship from the Left.

Fear cripples. It cripples an agenda, it cripples a platform, and it cripples a soul.

Instead of being crippled, we should speak the truth from our hearts, with grace, that those fitly-spoken words might bear fruit in the lives of others.

Ian cautioned, “There is such a thing as excessive provocativity.” Being provocative for the sake of provocation undermines our message and detracts from our goal. Indeed, it should be spurned.

If we, as conservatives, speak the truth from our hearts, speaking “the truth in love” (Eph. 4:15), as the apostle Paul advises, then we will be successful.

We need have no fear, after all, if the truth is on our side.

During the panel discussion, Ian offered up an example: “We ought to be caring for one another, but not with Uncle Sam’s money.”

Even before George W. Bush, conservatives were compassionate. We need to be fearless and free to articulate our belief that private charity is better – more compassionate and more effective – than government largesse.

Living without fear is a laudable goal: personally and professionally, politically and spiritually. It requires honesty (with oneself and others) and integrity.

If we would dare to put ourselves out there, we could truly live lives without fear.

Left Snipes at American Sniper

Many on the Left abhor one of the most genuine, poignant, and patriotic movies to come out of Hollywood in decades: American Sniper.

(Typically, most movies with the adjective “American” in its title are anti-American.)


The problem with American Sniper is that it addresses the reality of the war in which we are engaged and it does so from a patriotic perspective.

Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, with courage and self-less devotion, defended “God, country, and family.” Now, the Left irrationally and emotionally assaults Kyle as a stand-in for the Tea Party and Religious Right, whom it regards as worse than the terrorists with which we are at war.

In this biographical movie, America is not the enemy. Here, the American military is portrayed as a force for good. America – and those defending her freedom and values – should be cherished.

And Americans love it! Why don’t liberals?

Kyle explained his mission: “I had a job to do as a SEAL. I killed the enemy – an enemy I saw day in and day out plotting to kill my fellow Americans.”

American Sniper defends America in a compelling, riveting, and heart-wrenching way.

It’s a pity that the Left won’t do the same.

Rogen and Moore

Leftists in Hollywood, academia, and politics naturally were outraged at American Sniper.

Actor Seth Rogen “smear[ed] the life story of Navy SEAL Chris Kyle,” tweeting: “American Sniper kind of reminds me of the movie that’s showing in the third act of Inglorious Basterds.” But Americans were infuriated over his tweet (and similar tweets by his comrades): “Turns out people think it’s super messed up to compare a story about one of our nation’s greatest heroes to Nazi propaganda.”

Leftist filmmaker Michael Moore tweeted, “My uncle killed by sniper in WW2. We were taught snipers were cowards. Will shoot u in the back. Snipers aren’t heroes. And invaders r worse”

Moore compounded his error in extolling the enemy: “But if you’re on the roof of your home defending it from invaders who’ve come 7K miles, you are not a sniper, u are brave, u are a neighbor.”

Americans heroes, in Moore’s eyes, are cowards, and terrorists are courageous. Didn’t Bill Maher call the 9/11 hijackers brave?

Why does the Left exult in true stories which denigrate America, but challenge those that do not? Why is there such rage over views and stories which challenge their false narratives about America? Opposing views threaten their political and cultural hegemony and their ideological relevance.

As Daily Caller observed, “Hollywood is overwhelmingly left-wing, and has released a string of anti-war and anti-military movies that have been box office flops. In that world ‘American Sniper’ is an anomaly. It presents Kyle’s life without making judgment, warts and all. Audiences have been flocking to see the story of a man considered a genuine hero by most.”

Sixties Counterculturalists Are Alive and Well and Living in America

Today’s cultural and political paradigm has its origins in the turbulent Johnson and Nixon administrations. The anti-war counterculturalists of the Sixties remain unrepentant, opposing traditional values, opposing America’s Judeo-Christian heritage, and opposing America’s military.

Why don’t they oppose Islamists (whose adherents are at war with us) or militaries of those nations who would seek to destroy us?

Since the Sixties, the Left has always loved its anti-heroes – those cinematic rebels who “speak truth to power” or poke fingers in the eye of tradition and patriotism. For them, love of country is so passé, so parochial, so wrong. (We are all, after all, “citizens of the world.”)

American exceptionalism” is a term which is anathema to many on the Left, for whom multiculturalism and moral relativism are talismans. (As citizens of the world, the Left hates nationalism. The nationalism that the Left most hates is American nationalism.)

As Ben Shapiro points out, “Rogen’s tweet let the mask slip.” Hollywood disguised its pacifism during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but on the screen, “it wasn’t enough to make films blaming politicians for mistakes over intelligence. Soldiers were routinely portrayed as human rights violators, barbarians with uniforms.”

Shapiro credits the Left with harboring “a deeper moral relativism” which contends that fighting the enemy is synonymous with becoming the enemy.

He writes: “But in the view of the Hollywood left, that’s exactly what American military power represents: evil violence in the name of jingoism. And so Michael Moore tweeted, ‘My uncle killed by sniper in WW2. We were taught snipers were cowards. Will shoot u in the back. Snipers aren’t heroes. And invaders r worse.’”

Shapiro points out the absurdity of the Left’s formulation: “All snipers are cowards – even those who take out terrorists who murder children. All invaders are evil – even those who invade Germany during World War II, presumably.”

MSNBC host Ed Schultz typifies this attitude. Schultz decries Kyle’s simplistic us vs. them, “black and white” “version of the Iraq War” because it supposedly dehumanizes the enemy. Further, Schultz asserts “To Kyle, if they weren’t Americans, they were the enemy.”

Unable to even name the enemy (Islamic jihad), Schultz laments that Americans have accepted the “jingoistic” viewpoint of Kyle (and, presumably, the entire Bush administration):

“Unfortunately, some of those feelings have spread into our culture. The public reaction to the movie American Sniper also highlights some of the most disturbing consequences of this war, the normalization of Islamophobia and being one of them [sic].”

“Islamophobia,” as defined by these pacifists, is an irrational fear of Islam. Anyone watching the unfolding of terrorist attacks around the world and here, in America, should necessarily have a rational fear of Islamic jihad. Schultz’s denial of Islamic jihad mirrors that of the Obama administration.

Americans are – Pro-America! Go Figure!

Unlike so many of the intelligentsia, most Americans actually favor America. Most Americans value our Judeo-Christian heritage and the constitutional framework designed by our Founding Fathers. And most Americans respect and admire those members of the military who risk their lives in service to their fellow countrymen.

David French calls this “an important cultural moment. This movie was striking a chord in America beyond any post 9/11 movie – beyond even the best of movies about the War on Terror, including Lone Survivor.” French says “it’s a phenomenal movie” which provides “a war hero on a truly national, cultural scale.”

According to Rich Lowry, “Clint Eastwood’s new movie, American Sniper, marks the return of the American war hero.”

Lowry notes, “American Sniper had the largest opening ever on Martin Luther King Jr. weekend, or any weekend in January. It is producing the kind of numbers – a projected $105 million weekend – usually reserved for mindless comic-book superhero movies. It has played especially well in Middle America, with its top-grossing theaters in places like San Antonio, Oklahoma City, Houston, and Albuquerque.”

Lowry adds, “[Kyle] had no doubt about the righteousness of his mission protecting American troops, or about the evil of our enemies.”

Kyle did not possess the squeamishness of the likes of Rogen, Moore, Schultz, and Obama. Kyle knew the difference between right and wrong (something his detractors do not) and he grasped the existence of evil (something his critics only see as existing in America).

Ian Tuttle paints a bulls-eye on the pacifist Left who eschew war and embrace appeasement, writing: “In his autobiography, Kyle wrote of taking the deadly shot: ‘You do it again. And again. You do it so the enemy won’t kill you or your countrymen. You do it until there’s no one left for you to kill. That’s what war is.’”

As French points out, American Sniper exposes the savagery inflicted by these jihadists:

“American Sniper goes where no movie has gone before in showing how the enemy uses children, kills children, and savagely tortures its enemies (Kyle discovers a torture room in Fallujah, and its portrayal is very close to reality). The movie isn’t excessively grisly (so wide audiences can see it), but one doesn’t need to show the close-up of a terrorist killing a young boy with a power drill to understand what just happened. When Kyle describes the enemy as ‘savages,’ you know exactly why, and you agree with him.”

Instead of confronting the enemy head on, as Kyle did time and again, the Left refuses to identify the motivation of the enemy and its barbaric nature. Rather, the Left prefers to ignore the truth, appease the enemy, and attack those who actually defend America!